Tummy Tuck – St. Louis
Due to aging, childbirth, and other factors, the skin of your abdomen can become loose and you can have stretch marks, bulging in your midsection, or a change in the look of your belly button. A tummy tuck eliminates excess skin and reconnects abdominal muscles that have separated to give you a tighter, more sculpted tummy. Women and men can both benefit from this procedure.
What You Can Expect
ProcedureWhat does the procedure entail?
A tummy tuck is capable of addressing so many common issues such as excess skin on the front of the tummy, both above and below the belly button. Dr. Gurley can combine a tummy tuck with liposuction to address any excess hip, back, or waist fullness. This procedure is particularly helpful in restoring the body after pregnancy by restoring the pubic area, repairing separated muscles in the abdomen, and permanently removing stretch marks.
Mini Tummy Tuck – A mini-tuck is great for the generally fit person with a stubborn muffin top that won’t subside. Incisions are so small that this procedure is often referred to as a scarless tummy tuck.
Standard Tummy Tuck – A standard tummy tuck removes a larger area of skin and tissue. In some cases, liposuction accompanies the tuck procedure. Incisions in the standard tuck may run from hip to hip, just above the pubic area, where any scarring can be hidden beneath underwear or a bathing suit. This surgery may be ideal for the man or woman who has a substantial amount of loose skin, or whose muscles have become excessively lax after pregnancy or weight loss.
Extended Tummy Tuck- The extended tummy tuck addresses excess skin and tissue across the abdomen, as well as the flanks or back. Some patients choose the extended tuck to lift and tighten the abdominal wall as well as the buttocks.
Alternatives Are there any alternatives?
Dr. Gurley will let you know if a tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck, or liposuction is best for you, given your anatomy and your goals.
RecoveryWhat can I expect?
We support patients through their tummy tuck recovery process, and encourage them to take notice of the small but gradual improvements that occur as each day goes by. Swelling progressively subsides over months, with the most dramatic changes taking place in the first 2-4 weeks after surgery.
CandidatesWho is a good candidate?
Many people are good candidates for tummy tuck surgery. This procedure is often sought by women who want to get back the body they had before childbirth. When there is excess skin above and below the belly button and muscle weakness and separation, a tummy tuck many be the best solution for you. Dr. Gurley will help you understand your choices.
CostWhat is the approximate cost for a Tummy Tuck?
The cost for tummy tuck surgery usually falls within this range, however you will receive an exact cost when you meet with Dr. Gurley.
- $9,000-$40,000
Click here to begin your consultation process with Dr. Gurley today!
See the DifferenceOur Before & After Gallery
Our Before and After galleries feature real patients of Dr. Gurley. See how she tailors each surgery to each individual patient. Before choosing a Plastic Surgeon, it is important that you spend time analyzing their work.
Real Results
Real Artistic Outcomes
A tummy tuck operation can give you renewed confidence in your body and in yourself. Dr. Gurley works individually with each of her patients to determine the type of procedure that works best for them. The results obtained from a tummy tuck can far exceed non-surgical methods of body sculpting. Many patients are encouraged by the results Dr. Gurley is able to achieve from not only tightening skin but tightening muscle as well. It is the sum of these procedures when used in combination that becomes one of the most powerful, permanent maneuvers we have to restore the body to its prior unaltered state.